
It is not my intention to infringe anyone's intellectual property. If you feel I am improperly using your trademarks or have taken your words without appropriate attribution, please contact me so I can correct the situation. All such materials are the property of their owners. Any references to other's work are made without validation of their legitimacy or accuracy. All other materials are © 1992-2004- Bill Barnes and made without warranty. 

If you follow my instructions and bugger up your system or pocket book, don't complain to me. 

If you quote me slightly, credit me appropriately. If you quote me extensively, contact me; I'm thrilled to have people read what I write and will be accommodating. If you link to me, let me know. If you make money off me, I want a piece of it.

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All material (c) Bill Barnes unless otherwise attributed Any proprietary material or trademarks are those of their owners.

Last updated Saturday, September 04, 2004 08:07 PM